Trip to Algonac Rally & The Niagara Wine Escape Rally

Day 11

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Friday, September 15, 2023, Riverside Hotel & Campground, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada - 0 miles, 656.4 Miles for the Trip

After my morning mile, I read some forums, ate breakfast, then started 3 blueberry pies. I usually only make 2, but I had the blueberries for one at Algonac, and they didn't have a pot luck. If the crowd doesn't go through the first two pies I'll put the last on on the give away table. The last time I made 3 pies was at a Quartzsite rally with 210 trailers. I put out the two pies, and about 3/4 of the way through the line they were gone. I dug out the 3rd pie so those at the end of the line still could get a piece. One way or another it isn't going home with me - I have another 15 pies worth of bagged blueberries in the freezer at home.

After the last pie came out of the oven (and the dishes were done), I made a round of the campground taking photos. A few here, many more at the rally page.

The Front Rows The Wonderful Tree Broke! Happy Campers Happy Campers

After dinner I made another round of photos. The campfire is in my fire ring, so I won't have too much trouble getting to it.

By the way, dinner was left overs. We polished off the rest of the pirogies, baked beans, pork loin, and a tub of mixed vegetables, with Popsicles for dessert.

Around the Campfire

Until Tomorrow -

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Last Update: September 16, 2023