2013 Trip To Nova Scotia, Canada

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Trip Index and Day 1


Day 11 - Hopewell Rocks, Hopewell Cape, NB 0 miles, 1080.8 For the Trip

While I had no miles today, we did do a few in Don's Sienna. Made a run to Moncton for some groceries and to look at a dam that Dick saw on the way into the campground.

We stopped at the Rocks at high tide, and again at low tide. Spent quite a bit of time walking around at low tide; in fact, we are all tired enough to hit the sack early tonight. Lots of photos:

Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Moncton Dam
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Moncton Dam
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
Campground Storm
full moon
Almost Full Moon

Dinner was hamburgers, salad & peach sparkling wine.

Till tomorrow -


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: June 26, 2013