RSVP & the Habitat Stewards Program, Spring 2006 Day 2
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My Trips:

We started our second day with a presentation by Linda Costello, Certified Habitat Steward & professional photographer. She described the programs she & her volunteers have developed for presentations at Oswego County elementary schools. After going through the different types of presentations available for the students, she set up a couple of them for us to try. The "bog walk" on a 12" thick piece of foam was the hit of the "hands on" (or maybe I should say "feet on?") portion of her workshop.

After our break Karen Noyes, Senior Planner for the Oswego County Planning Department did a presentation on Oswego County's assessment grant through the
EPA's Brownfields program. The program provides funds to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse brownfields - real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.

The first afternoon presentation was made by Habitat Steward Bill Baldwin, demonstrating the organization's Ground Water Simulator and describing how it can be used to show the movement of contaminates through the different aquifers present in our environment.

After a short break Sandy Bonanno, River Steward Coordinator for the New York Sea Grant & a Dune Habitat Educator presented a slide show & lecture on the dunes & wetlands along the Eastern shore of Lake Ontario. She announced we will be going on a field trip tomorrow to Black Pond. This is the northern end of a 17 mile section of Eastern Lake Ontario that is covered with sand dunes & wetlands.

Linda Costello, Certified Habitat Steward
Walking on a bog with Linda Costello
Karen Noyes, Senior Planner for the Oswego County Planning Department
Bill Baldwin demonstrating the Ground Water Simulator

Sandy Bonanno, Dune Habitat Educator

Day Three:

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