2015 Trip to Alaska & More

Day 16 -

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015, Rancheria Motel & Cafe, YT,194.8 Miles Today, (Mile 710 of the AK Highway) 3294.5 Miles for the Trip

Another couple of hundred miles along the Alaska Highway. While most of it was good weather, we did run into thunderstorms towards the end of the day. Right now it is thundering, but little rain here in the campground.

We made a stop to see the Laird River Cranberry Rapids, and a couple of wildlife stops. A couple of photos of some bison & a black bear. We also stopped at Watson Lake for some groceries, and an internet connection at the visitor center to load yesterday's page. The have a "village" of signs at the visitor center - I wish I had brought one from Oswego. It probably would have been a first.


Our original plan was to stop at the Continental Divide Campground. Anne tried to call them from Watson Lake (the only place today that had cell service) and got a disconnected number. Checked with the visitor center, and the campground is closed. So, we stopped a bit earlier at the Rancheria Motel & Cafe campground. Electric only for $20.00. Nothing fancy, in fact I had to "plunge" the one working toilet to get it to flush. The do have showers for the men - the women have to go to the motel. Still, it is one of the least expensive campgrounds along the highway, and they do have a restaurant, which, with the threat of rain, might be a good place for dinner. I'm not sure what sites we are in - it is difficult to tell the difference between some of the sites & the road, but they said pick anything & we did. By the way, the province abbreviation for the Yukon is YT (for Yukon Territory?)

Until the next internet connection -

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This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: June 24, 2015